Vacation maintenance


Bronze Supporter
Aug 12, 2016
Syracuse, NY
We are going on vacation for 10 -14 days. The current values are FC/TC 4.5, CC 0, pH 7.2- just added a bit of Up, TA 100, CH 140 and CYA 50. (We were using the tabs for years and last year the CYA was 140! Thanks to snow melt, heavy rain and multiple draining, we have manage to lower CYA to a better level.) We don't want to come home to a green pool, should we add additional chlorine, and to what level? Thank you.
My pool isnt that big but I just load it up on chlorine before and keep the floater full right before I leave and mine was good for 10 days. I didnt even have the filter run while we were gone for 10 days. It was out of balance, the chlorine was high and the pool was full of seeds from the trees when I got back but it was easy to get back into balance in a day or two.
Thanks! That was our thought. We have the filter on a timer so it will run. I forgot to say we do not use the tabs anymore, we use liquid superchlor, no stabilizer. Had too much trouble trying to reduce the CYA, which meant we had to keep the chlorine very high, and the pool was way out of balance.
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