URGENT assistance on new plaster start up

Hi there

I had a question about starting up after pool renovation. We had our plaster poured on Monday, pool filled with water by mid-day Tuesday and we added muriatic acid and started the pump (I guess the pool plasterer mentioned that to my husband). We have been brushing the pool and continuing to add muriatic acid but 1) I don't see the dust clearing out much and 2) the filter doesn't seem to be gaining pressure as if it was.

So we did a bit more reading and it seems we should have either added acid OR started the pump but not both.

At this point, is it too late to turn off the pump and just do the acid or should we just keep running the pump and brushing multiple times a day. Does adding too much muriatic acid cause a problem running through the system?

Thanks for any help you can give.
What does the company that did the work say? I would check with them and I am sure someone here on TFP will come along to give better advice...
Welcome to the forum! :handshake:

How are you testing your pool water chemistry?

This is a good guide to new plaster start up -- Pool School - Start-up New Plaster

Have never heard of the pump on pump off thing. I would suggest running your pump at low RPM 24/7 until start up is complete. Maintain your FC, pH, and TA. Check your CH to be sure you are in a safe zone.

I suggest you read Pool School - ABCs of Pool Water Chemistry and consider reviewing the entire Trouble Free Pool School book.
Hi there

So we did a bit more reading and it seems we should have either added acid OR started the pump but not both.


I don't know where you read that. I just had my pool replastered and they started the pump and then added acid. If you don't have the pump running the acid can damage your new plaster and how is the acid going to mix?

Anyway, the plaster company should have done the pool startup for you.
Hi and thank you.

I have used this site for awhile and I use the pool test kit that is recommended (T-2006?). I bought it from a guy on here. I did research on here before I posted this - since it seems like we incorporated the traditional and the acid start up inadvertently, I wondered if we should just go to one or the other (the traditional start up doesn't mention acid?) at this point or kind of continue how we've been going.

I did brush this morning and I have to say that maybe it is looking a little better, less dust but maybe I am just hopeful. :)
The Traditional start up still means you must maintain your pH in the 7's, your FC at 3 ppm until you add CYA then follow [FC/CYA][/FC/CYA], and monitor TA to keep above 50 ppm. You also need to have the TA to see how much acid to add to adjust the pH.

You have the Taylor K2006? If so, please add that to your signature. Hopefully the reagents are fresh.
I would have thought the same thing you said - the pump running so the acid can move around - I read it on pool school (Acid Start up V Traditional startup - tried to attach not sure if it worked).

pool school.jpg

The plaster company didn't say anything but turn on the pump and run 24 hours a day. Our guy that PM'd the pool offered his pool guy for the startup but I thought we had it covered - this site is a wealth of information.
I guess there are many ways to start up a pool. My plaster company did an acid wash on the plaster then I filled the pool. Once filled they did and acid startup. There wasn't much plaster dust to brush. After a few days the brushing wouldn't produce any dust.
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