Timing of replaster

I had my pool remodeled at the beginning of May, replaced coping and tile and replastered. The plaster has some spots throughout it. The contractor luckily is standing behind his product and will replaster the pool to even it out. The problem is here in NJ its a short pool season so we have the option of getting it done in the middle of July which eliminates us being able to use the pool for two weeks, getting it done after the peak season in September, or getting it done next year in April before the season starts. Are there any problems with doing it in september and then closing the pool a month later? Should it be opening for balancing the chemicals longer? Its been a month after the original replaster and I am still adding acid to lower the PH every 2 days or so. Would there be a problem with closing the pool after its initial 1 month curing with the pH getting to high over the winter?
I agree with riley, the sooner the better. Also, allowing the PH to rise over the winter with a newly replastered surface could result in major scaling when you open next season, even if you bring the PH down to 6.8 - 7.0 at closing. When my pool was replastered, my PH rose quickly for the first year and didn't really settle down until 18 months.
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