Time to open or wait?


Gold Supporter
Mar 12, 2017
Should I open my SWG pool now or wait a bit longer?

Day temps getting up to as high as low 70's but overnight were still dipping below freezing.

My plumbing is 3" PVC ran about 12" under ground apx 75' in length.

The high winds over the winter completely destroyed my cover so the cover has been off of it for the past 2 months. The ice that formed inside the pool has completely melted. Water is clear minus a layer of dirt that settled at the bottom, nothing the Dolphin can't take care of.


Thanks !!
We opened early (two Fridays ago) because PB was here to level a spot for a new spa. Since then we've had two periods of snow. Water is 45 degrees but it still stresses me the heck out. Next year I'll for sure wait till the last freeze. Bright side is we opened to crystal clear water and my son shot a a video of him jumping in the while snowing. His face coming up from the water was hilarious! oh the memories lol
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