Time of day to add bleach


Is there a "best time of the day" to add bleach to help keep the FC levels where you want them?

I wind up testing mid day, as my pump runs from 12PM to 6PM, and it's convenient to add w/o having to go turn on the pump.... but that's the hottest and sunniest time of the day, and would imagine since bright sun depletes chlorine, would it better to add first thing in the morning or when it cools down in the evening? It's been 100+ degrees here and sunny every day since my slam. Pool in sun all day long.
Trying to keep my FC just right as I have been battling (and have finally won) the mustard algae fight and don't want it to slip back.

Just as a reference, I need to keep my FC at 6.5-7 and every day I check it's down to 3. My CYA is 40. pH 7.2

There's different opinions on timing, but really I don't think it matters. Everyone's schedules are different anyways. The key is simply maintaining the recommended range. Some think early am is best to be strong for the day. Some think night is best to focus on organics without competing with the sun. Others mid-day as kind of a boost mid-way through. But as long as the CYA and FC are balanced well, the FC should remain sufficient throughout the day. Of course if there is a heavy water exchange, odd weather conditions, or heavy swimmers load it's best to check a bit more often. Hope that helps. Stay cool! :swim:
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