Testing Numbers


Silver Supporter
May 29, 2014
Midland, MI
So this morning I did a full scale testing of my pool levels.
FC - 0
CC - 0
pH- 7.9
TA - 90
CH - 120
CYA - 32.

I added 12.5% chlorine to bring up my non existent FC, added some stabilizer to raise the CYA. Plan on testing in an hour.
I would like to lower the pH, seems a bit high for my liking.
What do you recommend? How do my other numbers look?

Thanks in advance for your help!!
Is this your first test after opening from winter? If so, you'll probably need to do a SLAM Process. How does the water look? Any cloudiness or concerns about algae in any locations of the pool?

PH is definitely high and needs to come down. Your answer about the condition of the water will determine if the pH should lowered to 7.2 for the SLAM, or just lowered to about 7.5 for normal operations.
Looks like you're on the right track...how much (in oz) of Chlorine did you add? Are you trying to bring you CYA up to a 40? It looks like you're good to start the SLAM process with a CYA of 32. I agree with TS, your pH is high. Lower it by using PoolMath to guide you. TA is within range. I'll let someone chime in on your CH...though I think its fine. CC is perfect. Looks like you already may have re-tested. Put your results up if you can and take a pic of your pool too. Is it clear or murky and green? Did you just open your pool for the season?

Also...how did you get a CYA reading of 32? Testings we recommend go by increments of 10s. Were these readings done by a pool store? Just curious.
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