Testing for CYA


Jul 8, 2015
Clarksville, TN
So the test for CYA includes pouring "cloudy" water into the tube. Can dirty murky algae ridden water alter the results of this test since it will be cloudy already? This is the worst test because I keep thinking I see the dot. It starts to disappear at 90 and then I THINK it disappears around 60.
Ha ha. Yes, it can make you a little batty. :crazy: But you won't confuse testing with algae water. Do this:
CYA Testing:
Proper lighting is critical for the CYA test, so you want to test for CYA outside on a bright sunny day. Taylor recommends standing outside with your back to the sun and the view tube in the shade of your body. Use the mixing bottle to combine/gently mix the required amounts of pool water and R-0013 reagent, let sit for 30 seconds, then gently mix again. Then, while holding the skinny tube with the black dot at waist level, begin squirting the mixed solution into the skinny tube. Watch the black dot until it completely disappears. Once it disappears, record the CYA reading. After the first test, you can pour the mixed solution from the skinny view tube back to the mixing bottle, shake, and do the same test a second, third, or fourth time to instill consistency in your technique, become more comfortable with the testing, and validate the CYA reading.

If it helps, pour a little, look away, then look back and pour some more. Try stare so hard you driver yourself nuts. Do it several times to get a confident average.
So the test for CYA includes pouring "cloudy" water into the tube. Can dirty murky algae ridden water alter the results of this test since it will be cloudy already? This is the worst test because I keep thinking I see the dot. It starts to disappear at 90 and then I THINK it disappears around 60.
No. If it were bad enough to affect the test, you'd probably just give up and start shovelling the dirty water out.

One way to do the test is to fill the tube to 90, then look down into it. If the dot is still visible, add to the 80 line and repeat. Sometimes you get that optical illusion effect from staring at the dot too long. This technique eliminates that.
I did it several times and get the same result. Starts to disappear at 90 and I THINK it disappears at 60. I look away for a second or two then look back. And this water is dirty. Greenest green you've ever seen. I'd hate to drain a bunch of water when I don't need to. I'll try it again.
Ok I just did this about 50 times, no joke, and I think I have the technique down now. If I look away for a lot longer, like ten seconds, then I can definitely see the dot. I'm consistently get 70-80 so I think it's time to drain some water. This pool has been a pain ever since I built it 3 years ago.
Ok I just did this about 50 times, no joke, and I think I have the technique down now.
I think we have new world record! :handwave: Ha ha. One day, when you do the CYA again, do it a few times to get an average, then without saying what you got, have a friend do it as well and compare answers.
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