Test results after killing mustard algae

Jul 9, 2018
Lexington Kentucky
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
I have a 10,000 gallon vinyl above ground pool that I have just treated (and hopefully killed!) a case of mustard algae. In doing this I used 9 one pound bags of GLB Super Charge shock (68%) and two floating chlorine dispensers each holding 4 or 5 three inch pucks over a 3 day period.

When testing the water this morning, I was shocked to see the chlorine level was off the chart and the water in the tube was brown! My pool water is clear but slightly cloudy. My ph level was at 7.2 and my alkalinity level was zilch.

What do I need to do to get my pool balanced again?
I am using a test kit and I used a 68% strength shock. Algae is gone.....I just need to know how to re-balance my pool. I can't imagine if I turn around and use the SLAM process right after the treatment I have done could be good for the vinyl and equipment. Just guessing!!
I am using a test kit and I used a 68% strength shock. Algae is gone
Per an Overnight Chlorine Loss Test ?
I just need to know how to re-balance my pool
post up your test results (y)
I can't imagine if I turn around and use the SLAM process right after the treatment I have done could be good for the vinyl and equipment. Just guessing!!
I know you’re guessing. Otherwise you’d know it’s always safe up to and including SLAM levels. But it’s ok. You asked for help. Thats the biggest step and sometimes the hardest one. What’s done is done and we will happily guide you going forward. :)

Run a full test and post it up when you have a moment.
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