Test Kit Questions - Green Pool after winter

Good deal! Looks like a SLAM is in order but no surprise there.

Just follow through with a good one and you'll be set.

Dose carefully with the Stabilizer. I would target 40 or under for the moment.

If you come up short you can always add more after the SLAM if you need it.
I would not increase the stabilizer until your SLAM process is complete (There is a specific article in Pool School on SLAM if you haven't seen it yet)

You will loose less chlorine if you just assume your CYA (stabilizer) is near zero so your SLAM value can be 10 ppm FC.

You appear to be on the right track.
SLAM process is going good - almost at 24 hours now... only loss 4ppm FC last night. brought level back up. vacuumed and brushed walls. testing every two hours now and adding more bleach as needed every two hours to keep FC level up to 12 ppm. PH seems high now, but will deal with that after the SLAM process is done.

Duraleigh - I did add the stabilizer, but only added 1/2 what was required and all has not dissolved from the sock yet. Should I remove it? I was planning to test for CYA at the next test time and then adjust chlorine levels as needed during the SLAM process.

Water color is now a very cloudy blue, but at least it is no longer green :smile:

I will post test results after next scheduled test time, including CYA results. I am only testing FC; CC: and PH during the SLAM process.
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Just completed 3rd test today:

FC: 9
OCLT: -4
CC: .5
added 121 oz (8.25%) bleach - should bring FC to 15

FC: 15
did not add as FC is still at SLAM level -

Brushed walls and vaccumed pool during 2 hour wait

11 am
FC: 14
CC: .5
PH: 7.5
CYA: <20 seems higher since the dot started getting cloudy but was still visible with tube completely full
TA: 140
CH: 250

Will test FC and CC again in 2 hours and add chlorine as needed. Will not complete a full test until last test of the night to see how things change in the morning.

I think at this point, things are coming along good. Thanks to everyone for your help.

I am going to allow the rest of the CYA to dissolve for now, but will not add any more until SLAM process is complete. Pool Math shows i need 56oz to bring from 0 to 30 and I only added 32 oz to start with. seem like other than that and the fact that the water is not clear yet, everything else is in balance. Will see what happens the rest of the day and overnight.

Thanks to all of you for your help. I will post results from last test tonight and first test tomorrow in the AM and if needed maybe you guys can help me figure out why it is not "clearing up". I know the SLAM process could take a few days, so I am not worried about it right now but would be nice to start to see the bottom of the pool again!
Also shouldn't your SLAM FC level be 10ppm?

Since my initial problem was Algae (green water) and I have the CYA hanging in a sock and PoolSchool says to SLAM slightly above Shock level, I chose 15ppm to ensure that I was taking into account the CYA that is being added. PoolMath suggested 122oz bleach at 8.25% concentration to bring it to 15ppm. I used 10 as my CYA level since what I am adding should bring it up to the 15-20 range. I didn't see Dave's suggestion of not adding it until it was already in! :-(

As far as not testing anything else - the only other things I was testing was PH, but I stopped and then did a full test today to see if CYA increased.

cloudiness is reducing and I am going to be brushing, vacuuming again later today to hopefully remove anything remaining at the bottom. Still cant see all the way to the bottom clearly, but can make out some outlines of some piles of leaves in the center of the pool. They are a little hard to get to without getting in, so it is taking a little time to get them all out.

Other than that, I think all is on track to hopefully be done tomorrow, but that will all depend on the OCLT in the morning and if the water clear up by then :)

Thanks for all the advice. I am continuing to read as I go through my two hour testing. So far I am only adding bleach every 4 hours as needed depending on test results. Test time is in 30 mins. Oh I have also cleaned the filter every time I add bleach, so also approximately every 4 hours. I have two that I am rotating.

Am I doing something wrong at this point? I am hoping I am still on the right track. Water is clearling, but now I am worried if my FC level is too high?
The pH test is not valid when the FC is above 10ppm.

Also no need to clean the filter until the pressure rises 20-25% over the clean pressure. A slightly dirty filter captures more debris.

Your FC is not way too high, just as little higher than you need.
Thanks Jason! Unfortunately I do not have a pressure gauge on the Intex pump, so i just have been paying attention to the flow on the return and when it seems it has slowed down, I clean it, that was every 4 hours, but with what you just stated, I'll not change it until the flow is degraded since that is the only way to tell that the pressure is not right. Glad Im not too far off with the chlorine.

My 5pm test is
FC: 12
CC: .5
I will test again in 2 hours, that will be the last test before it gets completely dark. When I test at 7, if the FC drops below 10, I plan to add chlorine to raise it back to 10, wait 30 mins and test again and then use those final numbers to determine my OCLT for the morning test tomorrow. Is 30 minutes long enough to wait for a true reading if I need to add chlorine to raise the FC back to 10?

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Day 3 of SLAM process:

7pm last night (just getting dark)
FC: 11.5
CC: .5

8:30 AM (time changed - I slept too long and it was light out, but no sun due to the storm last night so I guess that makes it ok)
OCLT: -1.5ppm
FC: 10
CC: .5

Since 10ppm is my SLAM level, should I at this point slightly raise it to ensure it stays above SLAM level? Should I test every hour, every 2 hours? I am worried about it going too far below SLAM level, but don't want to take it too far above that.

Water seems White now. I am guessing all Algae is dead and just now need to filter it out? Does that sound right?

I will continue the SLAM process until it is completely clear, just trying to guess at what to do. I will be going to work tomorrow and will not be available to check as often as I have over the last three days. Is bringing the SLAM level up to 15 ppm on Monday morning to ensure it does not fall below 10 ok? Weather forecasts rain and clouds on Monday - not much direct sun at all until Tuesday.

Thanks again everyone... Looks like I am reaching the home stretch now!

I am working on getting pics to post, I have taken several throughout the process.
Keep at it ! Think of it as a marathon not a sprint.
You can raise the FC a couple of ticks above SLAM level.

Testing every two hours should be fine. Your making progress it just takes some time. Your losing FC overnight so your still fighting it. When you can pass the OCLT test that's a big step.

Stay with it until the three criteria are met
Water is crystal clear
CC of 0.5 or less
Pass the OCLT.
update: This morning's OCLT was 1ppm, but the pool was till cloudy, so now Day 4 of SLAM process.
Kept FC at or around 10 all day. Vacuumed pool again and was able to pull up a few leaves and other particles.
water is still cloudy, but FC is at SLAM level. Plan o test again before going to bed, raising if needed to SLAM level and testing first thing in the morning. water is definately looking better, but still very cloudy. will continuing to just add bleach up to SLAM level actually clear the water or should I be checking other chemicals to balance if OCLT is still 1ppm or less tonight?
It's coming along nicely. &#55357;&#56397; Just keep at it and you'll pass all three tests. Very important not to let up on it. &#55357;&#56846;


+1...Stay with it, and don't let up.

Just keep checking FC. The SLAM level will ensure everything is dead while the filter clears the pool up.

+1 again..You are nearly there, just hang in there.
i got home today and FC was 6. I quickly added bleach according to pool math to bring it back up to 10. that should not set me back much should it? I plan to bring it up to 14 every morning now so that it can stay above 10 over the course of the day. that should be ok since that is the Mustard Algae level? That should hopefully keep it at or above 10 until I get home from work.

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