temperature for startup


LifeTime Supporter
Jul 30, 2011
SW France
Hi team,

have an outdoor pool. It's currently the beginning of April in south west France and the nights are still very cool. I have cleaned up the pool, so got rid of all the debris, winter cover etc but have not got into shocking or adding the salt for this year, nor running the filter, as the water is still at a chilly 13C (55F).

At what temperature do things start to grow and should I be getting on with shocking & running the pump?

thanks for your thoughts,

There are a few reasons to open long before the water reaches a temperature where things get growing. There can be hardware or plumbing issues to address, a surprise warm spell, etc. Close late, open early as they say!

I'm not sure what you mean by "shocking"? I have never "shocked" my pool, I do like to have FC be above 0 as the water begins to warm and as it reaches ~60F (15C) have it at the appropriate level for the CYA.

The only downside to getting things going early is the cost of running the pump and even then run times can be short. Chlorine consumption in cooler water is much less than during the hot summer months.

I say go for it this weekend!
I assume shocking=slamming. You don't really need to slam/shock if your parameters are good. Algae needs warmer water to grow. Do you have a "real" test kit?

I am in the same boat. Water is around 50 now. Snow originally predicted for this weekend is now not happening (but still will be below freezing low 20's) so I am almost certain I am going to pull the cover, clean out the pool and will consider spinning up the equipment. I have been maintaining my chlorine over the winter so that should be good but I need to add salt and acid so I'll do that while I can (using a small circulation pump I throw in the water). CYA will have to wait for the pump to be on.
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