SWG is on the Fritz - Need Chlorine Level Input


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2009
Tampa Bay Area
My SWG went on the fritz on Saturday, so I ordered the parts necessary to fix it, but it doesn't look like they'll arrive in time for me to repair the unit before I head out for a 3-day weekend. If they don't arrive in time, any advice as to what level you'd bring the chlorine so it would last 3 days without dropping to a level that would allow algae to grow?

If you know how much you are losing daily…2ppm etc figure 4 days and add that much…

Depending on cya level you could add some pucks in floater.

Otherwise I would raise to slam level.
I assume you are familiar with the FC/CYA Levels. Whatever your CYA is then estimate your loss per day and add that amount of PPM but do not exceed SLAM level.
If your CYA is 60 for example then your base FC is 7-9ppm. So if you are losing 3ppm per day - which is 9ppm for 3 days. then add 9+9 (to be on the safe side) which is 18ppm. Use pool math to determine how much Chlorine that is. The SLAM for 60 CYA is 24 so do not exceed that. Adjust the above for your specific CYA and daily FC loss.
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