Surprising salt level in pool before adding salt.

May 15, 2018
Jefferson, TX
I am hoping to start up the SWCG this weekend as I will finally have the electrical ready. Before adding salt to the pool yesterday I tested the water for salt using the Taylor K-1766 kit. Very simple test (10mL of water, one drop of R-0630, add one drop at a time R-0718 until milky brick red). Took 7 drops, so the result was 1400ppm. I haven't added any salt to the pool prior to this test. The pool water came from the community water source that supplies our house. I checked the expiration date on the test kit chemicals and both say they're good until 2020. I've had the pool up for a little over a month now. 30' above ground. The only chemicals I have added to the pool are 10% bleach, muriatic acid, and CYA. Does this level of salt sound normal?
What you observed is why I find it funny when pool builders are so anti swg. The salt level is always climbing with the addition of any chemical. And you are already up to half the level needed by your swg
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