Suggestions on Test Results

May 30, 2017
Spokane, WA
Hi all,

We recently opened our pool for the summer for the first time (we purchased a home with a pool over the summer) and after several rounds of a local pool company shocking it to kill the algae and battling cloudiness, we discovered our CYA levels were around 100. We drained the pool halfway TWICE, testing after the first time (CYA levels around 60) but we haven't tested since the second time (ditched the $$$ pool guy to learn to do this ourselves). I'm assuming CYA is around 30 currently, but I'll be testing later to make sure. Cloudiness has mostly cleared up except for in the deep end where it's still persistent.

Current Levels:

Chlorine: 2.0
BR: 4.4
PH: 7.6
Alk: 170ppm

What do you suggest for clearing up the last remaining bits of cloudiness in the deep end? Also, I noticed our pool company had put chlorine tabs in a floater in our pool. After browsing the threads a bit I'm getting the impression this may not be a good idea?

Thanks for all advice!
I'm a little concerned about your high TA. Should probably test your CH to get a read on your CSI.

Try to drop your pH to 7.2... that will drop your CSI. See if that helps the cloudiness.

If it does, then that will be your solution:

Keep your pH at 7.2 with acid.

That should drive down your TA.

Eventually, once you know your CH you can determine your new equilibrium.
Yes remove the floater immediately, lower your ph by adding muratic acid to 7.2 and Start the SLAM. You need to test for CYA before starting the SLAM and keep the FC level up. Run pump 24/7. Are you testing with an approved test kit? K-2006C or TF-100 are the ones we recommend.

Welcome to TFP

With respect to the cloudiness, you list Chlorine -- is that FC or TC? For a CYA level of 30, FC of 2.0 is the *minimum*, and the target would be to maintain 4-6. See this chart. Do you have a test kit? If you can post a full set of numbers, that would help, but I think a SLAM may be required, as it's possible there's algae already taking hold. But you'd ideally have a good testing kit at the ready before starting that.
Ah yes I'm new to the thread so I have a Poolmaster 5-Way Test, but I'll order one of the recommended test kits shortly. The pool is very blue and mostly clear and getting clearer. Chlorine levels I mentioned are FC. I'm working on getting the chlorine levels up again after we drained/refilled the pool. :)
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