Suction Side Leak - Temporary Solution?


New member
May 11, 2023
Pittsburgh, PA
Good morning all,
I believe I have a small to medium sized suction-side leak that is drawing air into the pump and filter (Jacuzzi cartridge style). It has already destroyed 1 older style pump that did not have an auto-shutoff feature, when it ran dry overnight and burned out. I have leak tested all of the above-ground plumbing (bubbles and also radiator dye) and there is no evidence of leak.

If I left the purge/vent at the top of the filter open to continuously leak a small amount of air, would this be a reasonable temporary solution until I can locate and repair the suction-side leak? Or is this insane?

Thank you in advance for any guidance you can provide.
If I left the purge/vent at the top of the filter open to continuously leak a small amount of air, would this be a reasonable temporary solution until I can locate and repair the suction-side leak? Or is this insane?
I would not recommend it. Have you pinpointed the exact leak location? Can you post some pics of the equipment pad from different angles so we can see everything? Maybe we'll see something to help.
Thanks for the quick reply. Here are a few pics of the setup. The pump furthest from filter is not really used (runs a separate waterfall). All the visible plumbing is free of leaks, so I'm pretty sure it's between where it comes out of the ground and the skimmer.
Looks like there is literally only one single suction pipe coming up from the ground into the pump correct? What has me concerned is that you mentioned this was happening to a previous pump as well that eventually went bad. So unless you are just exceptionally unlucky to have two pumps with air leak issues (i.e. lid O-ring, etc), then I would be highly suspicion of anything along that suction pipe to include the pipe itself. All the way back to where it connect to the bottom of the skimmer. I only see that one union fitting followed by the PVC connectors. Have you ever tried a pressurized test of that suction pipe?