Starting my first SLAM


Jul 12, 2019
Got my new Taylor 2006 testing kit today and after vacuming pool got these test results:

PH 7.6
FC 2.4
CC 0.2
TA 110
CH 130
CYA 40

I have had a recurring algae issue so I am going to start SLAMMING it. Based on Chlorine/CYA chart I need to shock it to FC 16.

It says you should test it no less than 2x a day and no more than once an hour. I am able to test as frequently as needed since I'm home for the day.

Should I be testing as frequently as I can?
Bring your PH down to 7.2 before you start your SLAM, one your chlorine is at and above 10 you won’t get an accurate PH reading. Test and add as often as you can and the SLAM should go quickly.

Remember brush the bottom and sides often. If you have removable ladders or stairs take those out and clean well with bleach as algae hides in them. If you have lights take those out and clean the niches.
The substance shows up every morning. It is in clumps on the bottom of the pool both shallow and deep ends. After previous shock attempts with granular shock (before finding this website) it seems to show up in greater quantities. I assumed it is dead algae. When disturbed it acts like dust. Looks kind of yellow/greenish. My cartridge filter has needed cleaning far more than is normal.
Raise chlorine to target levels. Vacuum the dust to waste.

Keep testing. As long as your CC is below .5ppm, you're good. Target levels will keep you above the algae. I like target levels throughout the day if you're feeling suspect of algae. Your test results don't indicate a full bloom. I feel like you're at a tipping point though, therefore maintaining target levels (add 1ppm to be sure) should keep you atop of it.
I will try that, thanks. Hopefully not my first SLAM :)

With the algae you describe, I’d definitely slam. It’s already blooming microscopically in your water, and you see evidence of it when you notice the dead algae that collects on the floor of your pool. You’ve got the kit you need (though if it’s the 22 ml bottles, go ahead and order some refills for the FAS/DPD). If you just try to keep it at bay, you’ll have higher chlorine consumption every day and night, and it won’t take much to turn your pool green. If you raise it to shock level now and maintain it till you pass the three components, you’ll wipe it out so that your maintenance will be much easier.

In answer to your question about how frequently to test, the harder you hit it at the beginning, the quicker things seem to go. You need to give the chemicals time to circulate, so I think that’s why you wait at least an hour. Begin by lowering your pH to 7.2 with muriatic acid. Give that time to disperse (and perhaps go stock up on chlorinating liquid) and then start maintaining that shock level. I think when you’re all done, you’ll be very pleased that you did it.
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So, I ran the OCLT with the following results:

Last night FC = 6.5
This morning FC = 5.0

There is no visible dead algae clumped on the floor. Water is clear. I think I will start my first SLAM today with the hope of getting rid of any lingering potential algae issue.

Thank you all for your help.
I think you have the right idea. (y) Follow the details on the SLAM Process page and you'll do fine. Make sure to inspect all areas in/around the pool carefully though. Don't leave any openings or places to chance (behind a large light (niche), ladder, steps, liner folds, etc.). Good luck!

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