Start slam process with 20 cya or increase to 30?

May 18, 2018
Hudsonville, MI
Hello. I am new to TFP but looking forward to being apart of this great community. I got my first tf100 test kit today and I’m ready to start the slam process. Below are my test results.

ph- 7.2-7.5

I have 2 questions I’m hoping to get some advice on. 1) should I start the slam process with a cya of 20 so I will have to use less chrlorine and raise it to 30 after the slam process is complete or raise it to 30 before starting the slam process? It will be a sunny day in Michigan and 85 degrees when I plan to start the slam process. If ok to wait when should I raise the cya? 2) Over the course of the past week I have added 10 lbs of dichlor and 73% cal hypo and 12 gallons of 10% liquid chlorine which never resulted in any fc and high levels of cc (10 ppm). Given I haven’t got a fc reading after adding all this chlorine in the past I’m curious if there’s a way to know how much chlorine I will have to add to reach shock level as I did not register any fc when adding the recommended amount per the calculator previously.

Thanks for any advice!
A bit of a range on the pH. If you think it is above 7.2 you should add a bit of acid.

I would suggest adding 10 ppm of CYA to a sock and hang in front of a return and commence a SLAM Process. Assume the CYA is 30 ppm and follow the SLAM level in the [FC/CYA][/FC/CYA].

You should plan to test / dose with LC every hour or two to start. It should begin to hold after a day or so.

If you added 10# of Dichlor that should have added 30 ppm CYA. So be aware of that.

Take care.
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