Staining on Gunite Pool

Aug 14, 2018
Birmingham, AL
We have had some staining develop on our old gunite pool and I don't know where they are coming from, but would like to get rid of them if possible. We purchased an older home with an older pool on which leaks have been repaired as you can see the "stripes" on the bottom from the newer plaster - it's clean! The original plaster is staining a brown color. It's not organic leaf stains as I know what those look like and I can clean those fairly easily. However, these stains don't come off when brushing. Is there anything I can do to return our gunite pool to a clean white color? Below are my readings taken this morning. Thanks for any suggestions!

Ph: 8.2 (added muriatic acid as recommended in pool math caluclator)
CYA: 40
CL: 1.5 (added liquid bleach per pool math rec to get it to 6ppm)
TA: 80ppm - have not added baking soda yet
CH: 250ppm
Get some Vitamin C tablets and toss a mess of 'em into a sock and crush 'em up slightly. Then rub the stain with that and see if it changes. If so, it implies you have metal staining. Copper, iron, etc.

Conversely, use a chlorine puck on another area of stain and hold it there for a couple of minutes... if that makes it disappear it implies its an organic stain.

Don't add any baking soda, your TA is fine. Have you looked at your CSI in PoolMath?

Let us know what happens.....

Maddie :flower:
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