Stained Finish


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Jul 4, 2012
Whidbey Island, WA
Do not hijack another's thread for info on your pool. Please, start a new thread as it causes confusion to the OP when discussing two pools in one thread. Casey~

Looks like either organic staining or metal staining. You can check in 2 ways. If it's organic, a puck will lift the stain. If it's metal, a Vit C tablet will lift it.

I have an old pool (replastered 20 years ago) and the plaster is discolored, especially just under the tile under the coping. Does not feel different than the rest of the pool Does not brush off. Can be rubbed off (slowly) with a pumice stone. I tried a puck and a vitamin C tablet and neither did much. If a puck and vitamin C do not do it, what are the possibilities?

Thank you
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If Vit C and a puck do not lift the stains, you should probably consider that it's time for a new plaster job/finish. If someone else has any suggestions, I'm sure they'll be along shortly to add to what I've just suggested. :goodjob:
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