Spa / Spillover dilemma


May 19, 2019
Hello everyone, first post here...
I have a Hayward ProLogic system. We have one VSP for both the spa and pool. I'm trying to run my spa only but the spillover feature keeps running. The heater seems to be functioning properly but the spa won't heat to the appropriate temp with the spillover running. SMH. How can I stop the spillover function from running continuously? Thank you all in advance.

More than likely your Intake valve is not turning...

When you change from the pool mode to the spa mod, the Intake and Return valves should both rotate 180 degrees... Watch the two valves while you switch back and forth between the two mode and see what is moving..


Jim R.

Not sure about the word "fix"... :)

The actuators that turn the valves often become intermittent before they go bad altogether... I suggest that you keep an eye on it, as I suspect it will soon be bad again..

Unless of course the problem is that someone just shut off the valve with the on/off/on toggle switch by accident..


Jim R.
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