Southern Ontario Pool owners - heat pump or gas heater ???

I don't live that far north but a heat pump will be cheaper to operate but won't extend your season. It also needs to be on all the time to maintain your desired temperature. Under 70 they quickly lose efficiency. Gas heat will extend your season and allow on demand swimming but more expensive. My gas heater is $4/hour to run. Installation costs are similar but running a gas line can be really expensive depending on your local costs.
I don't live that far north but a heat pump will be cheaper to operate but won't extend your season. It also needs to be on all the time to maintain your desired temperature. Under 70 they quickly lose efficiency. Gas heat will extend your season and allow on demand swimming but more expensive. My gas heater is $4/hour to run. Installation costs are similar but running a gas line can be really expensive depending on your local costs.
Thanks for your honest feedback. Gas seems like the better option, just the cost to setup is what is holding me back.

Used Gas Heater: $1500
Running gas line:$800
Total cost $2300 ( more expensive to operate, gas prices)

Used heat pump: $1000
Running electrical: $300 ( I can do it my self and have pretty much everything )
Total cost $1300 ( more efficient on operation costs)

I’m not looking to extend my season, as much as I am looking have the pool warmer on not sunny days. For example today, was 77F and cloudy , my pool was at a 72. Wanted to go in but was just too cold. My thought was if the outside temperature is warm, then the heat pump would have had a chance to increase the pool water by a few degrees, therefore making the pool more enjoyable. Right now we only get to go in the pool if it has been a sunny day from the start of the morning, and has given the solar blanket and solar mat time to warm up, which means we only get in pool at like 2pm. :(

Thanks again for responding
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