Soon to be (maybe) pool owner

That would look good as a pool deck but will be much lighter after drying right? How you dress it up with coping and stone/tile work is what will bring it all together...
Tile doesnt really fly here either.. very very few people do it. Coping will be a cantilevered but a unique kind that only this guy pours. a little different than the rest. maybe ill just do a 1 foot or 18" solid coping and then start in with the diamond expansion joints... yes it would dry lighter of course. thanks
really just trying to figure out what I might be missing... things ive thought about in the last 2 days.
1. 110 outlets 2-3 of them in the ceiling of the deck (underside of it) for power screens in the future.
2. Additional stub outs for landscape lighting and increased box size to allow for larger outlets for smart home stuff.

Im trying every day to think of everything i need to not have regrets.. once the concrete goes in, it is nearly impossible to alter things.
Those are all good thoughts so your on the right track. Outdoor speakers and will they need to be plugged in like say Sonos?
I love Sonos and its a solid contender. I have a house full of Sonos and don’t regret at all...
Im not too terribly worried about the audio outside.. there are millions of options for that, as long as I have wifi and power... Im more concerned with the things I cant change after the project is done. My tiled room + bathroom has a shower in it, so im covered there. Storage will be here and there but I think i have a handle on that too.
So I am working on a new change to the pool layout... LaBarre Pool Deck Edition - YouTube i may have posted this before but thats the newest idea.
We couldnt find a great way to fit the bar in, so I ended up removing the 2nd stone wall (which is a solid stone wall today) and curving the current stone wall to create a bar.
I think it works well.

However now the problem pops up as to how to top it... What material or bar top finish should we use? The natural stone attracts blood mites right now, and ill spray for those, but I would like something different for the bar top... The transition can remain, which i like... What would you guys suggest for the top? A white/grey/black granite product like this?

or something completely different.
I am no designer, but im good conceptually (like the modeling i did) finishes i do need assistance with :)
here are a few images in the link here that show the bar
Pool Project - Google Photos


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Cover does seem a bit spendy. Make sure you understand exactly the setup and materials for the whole arrangement. Even better, see one just like it in person.

I usually think $12-$15K for an autocover. But nothing is getting any cheaper.
One option for your concrete is to go with TopCast instead of smooth or broomed, which to me feels like a sidewalk or driveway. TopCast is just regular concrete, smoothed, and then as its hardening, a coating of acid is sprayed on, then pressure washed off the next day. It reveals the aggregate a little and gives the concrete a sandy look, and definitely no slip surface. I just re did my pool deck and the Top Cast was an $800 upgrade, but it makes the concrete look much better, IMO.

Here's an image, but Google has tons more to get a sense of how TopCast looks different from regular smoothed concrete.

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