"Soft" plaster?

I posted a few weeks ago about my plaster having a sandpaper feel. My thought and the toughts of the experts here was that it was scale that occured over the winter since my pH drift up is pretty bad- its a 1 year old SWG inground white plaster pool. My builder told me to lower the ph to 7 and brush alot. Some has come off, some has not.

I have a new observation- all last year and now even this year it seems that i get plaster dust (very fine white smoke like cloud) that comes up when i brush with a nylon brush. Here is the really troubling thing. If I rub my FINGER (not the nail, just the meat kinda hard) on the plaster, the same thing happens... Like I said I saw the "smoke" last year so I do not think this is related to the scale issue that happened this winter, but I didnt do the finger trick.

Are there cases where pool plaster never hardens completely? I am a bit worried thats the case here.

Just Cuz I know everyone will ask- Water is crystal clear and here are my numbers.

pH 7.6
FC 5
CH 310
TA 70
CYA 40

I dont like my builder and i genuinely dont trust his opinion on things. I am thinking of bringing in a outside pro to take a look, or call the plaster co who did the work.
That does seem to be longer than normal for there still to be dust coming off.

I would do as you say and talk to the plaster manufacture and installer and see what they say. In fact ask the manufacture who they recommend to install their plaster in your area and who does warranty work on it.

Let us know what they say!

The plaster is most likely cured. What you are doing now is either dissolving scale or etching the plaster. Or both. More here, Pool School - Calcium Scaling

You might prefer to just sand the scale with 80 grit wet/dry sand paper to smooth it rather than try to dissolve the scale further.

i gave up on lowering the ph. its now 7.6. my ph creep has always been up- so i cant imagine its etching. i guess it could be scale, but like i said its not new. all last summer i would see a small white cloud when brushing. ph then was never below 7.4 or so.
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