Small Amount of Algae Each day

My pool is mostly clean and clear. But I get a small amount of algae grown on the stairs where the cleaner can't get to. It looks like greenish/mustard.

So I brush it and it comes off easily. But it is back again the next day. If the pool cleaner is off, then algae starts to accumulate on the bottom.

I checked my pool numbers:

PH in range.

Chlorine about 10 ppm.

Stablizer: 60

Is this normal? Or do I need to shock the pool?

My thinking is that since the chlorine number is 10, that it would take care of any algae, but maybe that is not completely true.
Hi gregory,
you need to SLAM the pool with liquid chlorine only
Pool School - SLAM - Shock Level And Maintain

10FC with a CYA of 60 isnt enough. the FC needs to be 40% of whatever the CYA is, and you have to MAINTAIN that FC level for an extended period of time. Just once is not going to take care of the problem. Your cleaner sucking it into the filter is not killing it. Its still there, and in your filter and eventually returns to the pool.

The problem is taken care of and the SLAM competed when 3 things happen
1 The pool is perfectly clear without any visible signs of algae
2 You have less than .5
3 You pass the overnight chlorine loss test

It takes patience to complete the SLAM, and a good test kit such as the TF100 or the Taylor K2006. The TF100 is the best bang for the buck.
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