SLAM question


Jul 31, 2017

I went out of town and when I returned I failed an OCLT. So I’m on day 8 of SLAM. Yesterday, I passed the OCLT test but thought for good measure I’d do one more day of SLAM given temperatures around 100 last couple days and had some swimmers.

This morning, I failed the OCLT again. is it possible to pass and then the very next day fail? The only failure is the FC was 1.5 loss today where yesterday it was 1. I repeated the test to verify my results. No CCs and water is back to sparkling clear.
So I’m doing another day of SLAM.

Thoughts from the experts?

FYI - This is my second SLAM in 2 years.

Thank you
is it possible to pass and then the very next day fail?
It is. It means either there was a very small variance in the testing from one day to the other, or you have a residual amount of "something" still in the water the chlorine is working on. I think continung the SLAM Process aother day is a good idea.
Good morning

Today, I only had a FC drop of 0.5, CCs 0.5, and water is still clear. Based on SLAM, I’ve passed the OCLT but since I still have some CCs, should I do one more day of SLAM just to be safe? Or is the problem really resolved and an extra day is just wasting liquid chlorine?

Thank you
You passed! :party: No need to SLAM another day. It's just wasting chlorine at that point. Nice work. :goodjob: Now you can let the FC fall to the ideal target range on the FC/CYA Levels and keep an eye on things.

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