Skimmer not always moving water - mystery in need of solving

Jun 22, 2016
Hi folks, am noticing an intermittent issue when the pool is filtering. Every so often, we lift the skimmer lid and note that the water isn't moving at all and I'm 100% sure the valves are set to pool mode. Each time, I wander over to the panel and stop the pump and re-start it. And 100% of the time, this results in the water moving normally in the skimmer basket. Sometimes, I open the air valve at the top of the filter and note that a second or two of air comes out before the water does. This suggests air in the system to my limited pool brain, but I don't know if that's normal after a few days of operation.

Each time we notice the lack of water movement in the basket, I suspect the pump is cavitating or somehow air is being introduced into the system. But the glass bowl (if I may call it that) looks like water is moving fine all the time with only the occasional sign of a bubble going by. Without question, there is a small amount of water leaking from two places:

1. The filter pump gasket (so it appears)
2. The filter itself (where the two halves of the unit come together)

Small leak defined by visible water on the concrete pad, but about the amount I'd expect if somebody poured out a coffee mug of water. . I find it quite curious that stopping the pump and re-starting it appears to cure the problem, but we obviously can't rely on that as a solution.

We've agreed to get out on the next cycle to see how the basket moves upon initial startup of the system (wondering if that suggests an air leak that would cause this between filter runs). Oddly, this isn't an every day occurrence. Seems to be 1 in 3 as a guess. Thanks in advance for any insights. Am happy to provide pix and do diagnostics, whatever those might be.

God bless.

Based upon what you said, I believe that your pump basket O-Ring is the cause of your problem. If it leaks water out, it will let air leak in when the pump is running.

I suspect the reason the problem is intermittent is because most of the time the seal works and your pump primes and runs.. But, every now and again, the seal fails and instead of sucking water from the skimmer you are just sucking air (and maybe a little water)..

If nothing else, we need to eliminate the gasket. I would install a new one and lube it up good first...

And because I'm basically lazy, while I had the system shut down, I would take the opportunity to open the filter and inspect and lube the big O-ring there as well. And... unless you have just cleaned it, I would clean the cartridges while I was at it...

Thanks for posting,

Jim R.

Based upon what you said, I believe that your pump basket O-Ring is the cause of your problem. If it leaks water out, it will let air leak in when the pump is running.

I suspect the reason the problem is intermittent is because most of the time the seal works and your pump primes and runs.. But, every now and again, the seal fails and instead of sucking water from the skimmer you are just sucking air (and maybe a little water)..

If nothing else, we need to eliminate the gasket. I would install a new one and lube it up good first...

And because I'm basically lazy, while I had the system shut down, I would take the opportunity to open the filter and inspect and lube the big O-ring there as well. And... unless you have just cleaned it, I would clean the cartridges while I was at it...

Thanks for posting,

Jim R.

Good stuff, Jim, thanks. I will do that tomorrow and report back. I've never personally seen the filter cover off, so that will be a good education for me. It does seem to leak from there more after our pool guy cleaned the filters last week.

Do you agree that water could be leaking from the back of the pump? That seems to be where the water is coming from (though its always hard to tell after the fact because its everywhere by then). This pump is reasonably new and the installer had to mate it up with our existing plumbing. I wonder if that's in play too?

In any case, I'll eliminate leaks (to the extent I can) and report back.

And Maddie, the water level I would say is not an issue. The way our pool is built, it's not possible to go any more than about halfway up the skimmer area before it would find its way over the spillway. I appreciate the idea.


You really, really don't want any water leaking from the back of your pump... It will get into the motor and in about a microsecond corrode it to the point of no return...

You, or your maintenance guy, needs to find the leak and fix it now before it does any damage to the motor..

There are plenty of good u-tube videos on how to open, clean, and close Pentair CCP style filters...


Jim R.
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