Should I raise my low TA or low FC first?

We have had a huge amount of rain in north Florida and I saw that my water was looking a tad cloudy yesterday. I checked the pump and I'm low on salt(solid red light). I added a 40 lb bag yesterday afternoon and tested the water as well.
FC 0
Ph 7.5
TA 50
CH 350
CYA 55

What should I do next? Wait for salt to register and FC to come up before I raise TA? I have baking soda ready to go but now I'm hesitating. Also, should I raise CYA now?
Help please
You should always adjust your FC using bleach as the SWG is simply too slow to raise it quickly enough. Given that your FC went to zero, you should likely raise it up to 10ppm using bleach and then perform an overnight chlorine loss test to see if your need to SLAM. Cloudy water is typically indicative of a nascent algae bloom and your SWG will not be able to handle that.

Don't worry about your TA until you get your FC sorted out.
After adding 2 containers of bleach, the FC is hanging steady at 7. No overnight loss and all is clear. Salt registered as well and the pump lights are all green. Thank you!!
My numbers are
FC 7
Ph 7.5
TA 50
CH 350
CYA 55
water temp 83
Should I raise the TA up to 80 with baking soda? That would get me in the recommended range. I tend to add Muratic acid every week to get the Ph down to 7.4. It is always back up within a week which I think is normal...or my pool's normal.
After adding 2 containers of bleach, the FC is hanging steady at 7. No overnight loss and all is clear. Salt registered as well and the pump lights are all green. Thank you!!
My numbers are
FC 7
Ph 7.5
TA 50
CH 350
CYA 55
water temp 83
Should I raise the TA up to 80 with baking soda? That would get me in the recommended range. I tend to add Muratic acid every week to get the Ph down to 7.4. It is always back up within a week which I think is normal...or my pool's normal.
Ordinarily I'd say no, but your CSI looks a little low. So yeah, maybe target 60ish. 2 or 3 lbs of baking soda. If you plan to raise CYA, go with the higher number since CYA is a mild acid. And let the pH linger in the 7.6-7.8 zone in the future.
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