Should I put more DE in?


Active member
Aug 28, 2023
Dallas TX
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine

A Fiberglass company just drained my pool and put a new gel coat on. I’m refilling it now. When it is filled up, do I need to put more DE in it or should there already be enough in the filter since I haven’t backwashed since they did it?

Also, anything I need to do about existing water in the pipes? I noticed water sitting in the skimmer basket area from when they drained it. Just let that water mix back in with new water or remove it somehow?

We have 4 hoses in the pool now so hopefully it will fill up soon.

Thanks so much!
You do not need to replace DE if you haven't backwashed.

Fill the pool and turn on the pump when water is back up to 50% full in the skimmer doors. Get 30ppm of CYA dissolving in a sock and get 3ppm of liquid chlorine in the pool soon.

Then do this test...Link-->Overnight Chlorine Loss Test to see if you have algae.

If you do, then time to slam...Link-->SLAM Process

If not, then test and adjust all your levels and always follow this for your FC. Link-->FC/CYA Levels
You do not need to replace DE if you haven't backwashed.

Fill the pool and turn on the pump when water is back up to 50% full in the skimmer doors. Get 30ppm of CYA dissolving in a sock and get 3ppm of liquid chlorine in the pool soon.

Then do this test...Link-->Overnight Chlorine Loss Test to see if you have algae.

If you do, then time to slam...Link-->SLAM Process

If not, then test and adjust all your levels and always follow this for your FC. Link-->FC/CYA Levels
Should I put the cya and chlorine in before it’s filled up or wait until it’s half way up skimmer area? Thanks!
Also, anything I need to do about existing water in the pipes? I noticed water sitting in the skimmer basket area from when they drained it. Just let that water mix back in with new water or remove it somehow?
I would dump a half cup of LC in each skimmer while the pool is filling.
Then once you kick on pumps - have the skimmers full open to capture any debris in the filter.
Watch your filter pressure and backwash if needed. You may wish to backwash anyway, just to get rid of any dead algae or debris captured in your DE filter after the pump is circulating for an hour.
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