Shock...chlorine levels stay too high


Jul 21, 2020
So I've noticed that when I shock my pool that the chlorine levels stay very high for days! I use 1 bag as directed and it took 4+ days with the filter running 24/7 to get to a 5. Even after the first 48 hours it was at a 15+. Oh and it's been full sun 90-100 degrees out. Why does this do this? It makes my pool unusable for more than half the time. Fyi I do know my CYA levels were 120. Im trying to get them down, but draining the pool during a heat wave is not in the cards.
A FC of 5 ppm with a CYA of 120 is dangerous to swim in. Because the FC is too LOW. Person to person transmission of disease can occur at that level.

Your minimum FC level should be 10 ppm with target of 14-18 ppm.
The foundation of TFP is testing your own water using a quality test kit.
Until you can test your own water accurately and as often as needed you will not be able to properly balance your pool. Do a search for the TF-100 or the Taylor K-2006C pool test kits. You will need one of these.
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