Sediment in Pool?


Bronze Supporter
Dec 19, 2016
Raleigh, NC
Hi there!

New pool owner here this season. Talk to me about sediment and vacuuming. I keep vacuuming the pool, and no matter how many times I go over the pool a fine sediment falls to the bottom of the pool within hours. It seems to follow the path of the return jets. Is this just incredibly tiny pieces of dirt? Is it too small to get filtered through the filter? Is it something else? Any help is appreciated!:D
Can you post up some test results from your test kit?

It sounds like dead algae. So you may have a nascent algae bloom on your hands and you are close to a full outbreak.

Take care.
mknauss, I think you were right about dead algae. I had been battling a bit of algae and every time I think I have gotten rid of it, it seems to sneak back in. I shocked the pool with liquid bleach and then the sediment appeared. I brushed and vacuumed again yesterday afternoon ran the pump and filter and this morning the sediment was gone! I don't know what I did differently, but it is an August miracle! :kim:I'll keep the chlorine up to shock level for a couple more days and hopefully this will be the end. Please, let it be the end! :)
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