Second SLAM to kill algae

Finally got a Taylor test kit. Pool was a little cloudy after being completely clear from the first slam. Then I got a green tint all over again. Decided to drain half my pool to lower CYA and decrease my chlorine demand. Latest numbers are

FC 17 (plus enough chlorine added to maintain shock level of 20)
CC 1 (but only barely )
PH 7.5
TA 100
CH 140
CYA 50

all of this after a rain storm.

cleaning and swapping out filters twice a day when possible. Will hopefully have some time to vac soon. Of course, none of this will matter if Harvey comes this way.

My queztion at at this point is will my type c filter be enough to clean out the algae? It is all I have for now. Would like to get a sand filter, but will have to wait until finances are a little less strained. Is it possible to have dead algae come back to life and bloom again? Also, the walls of my liner are covered in little bubbles. Almost like a glass of soda water that sat for a while. Is this the result of items being eaten by the chlorine?

Too many questions?

I hope not. Take care.
Killing algae is the chlorine's job. The filter just helps get the dead stuff out. Keep the FC at SLAM level and brush the pool at least once a day. Twice when you can.

I would take the steps out and look at them. You might have some algae hiding on them (under the treads is a good hiding spot).

You are on the right track. Just need to push through until the water sparkles again.

Kim (Watching weather with you-scary stuff!)
Finally got a Taylor test kit. Pool was a little cloudy after being completely clear from the first slam. Then I got a green tint all over again. Decided to drain half my pool to lower CYA and decrease my chlorine demand. Latest numbers are

FC 17 (plus enough chlorine added to maintain shock level of 20)
CC 1 (but only barely )
PH 7.5
TA 100
CH 140
CYA 50

all of this after a rain storm.

cleaning and swapping out filters twice a day when possible. Will hopefully have some time to vac soon. Of course, none of this will matter if Harvey comes this way.

My queztion at at this point is will my type c filter be enough to clean out the algae? It is all I have for now. Would like to get a sand filter, but will have to wait until finances are a little less strained. Is it possible to have dead algae come back to life and bloom again? Also, the walls of my liner are covered in little bubbles. Almost like a glass of soda water that sat for a while. Is this the result of items being eaten by the chlorine?

Too many questions?

I hope not. Take care.
Which Taylor test kit do you have? Is it the K2006 as mentioned in this thread?

Did the pool pass all three criteria to end a SLAM?

Remember, filters do not clear algae from a pool, chlorine does. Once the algae is dead, your cartridge filter should be able to clear it, but due to it's smaller size and flow rate, may take some time to do so.

You most likely still had live algae in the pool, and when you dropped your FC levels it started to reproduce faster than it was being killed.

Regardless, chlorine is the answer. Follow the SLAM Process procedure exactly as written. Do not let your FC go below shock level until:
1) The water is clear, and free of any algae, dead or alive
2) You pass the Overnight Chlorine Loss Test
3) CC is 0.5ppm or less.
Really starting to wonder if I should just forget it for now and wait until the storm passes. This thing looks really bad and might obliterate my pool. not to mention that my wife will have the bags packed and ready to leave as soon the newsman gives the go ahead to evacuate.
Okay. Good news is that the algae seems to be clearing up. Better news is that my CYA is down to 45. So I need less and less chlorine to keep my pool clean. Changing the filter daily is helping tons.

I will definitely have to check the ladder before putting it back in. Hadn't thought of all the grooves under each step. Thanks for that tip, kimkats.

Out of curiosity, does anybody know what the bubbles are that are forming on the sides of the pool? Seems to be due to the shock as I've never seen them until then.
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