Search optimization? 🔍


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TFP Guide
Jun 1, 2018
Hernando, Ms
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Hayward Aqua Rite (T-15)
This has sorta been discussed before…
Is there a way to make certain articles show up at the top of the results when the internal search is used for common terms? & maybe lock them in place?
For instance, when searching “closing above ground pool” the article doesn’t show up until the bottom of page 4. “Winterize above ground pool” is even worse- it never appears.
Many of us avid users are able to still find & identify the articles we are looking for but I imagine that’s not the case for newer visitors who come looking for info. This is a recently recurrent problem with many commonly referenced/needed articles that wasn’t like that for years before. I know it’s not something that is completely controllable but hopefully there’s some solution for the more common articles.

Ironically when on google & those terms are searched with tfp behind them the articles pop right up.
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Searching can be a bit tricky sometimes I agree. Have you tried: Search > Advanced > Search Threads > Keywords? I entered "Winterize above ground pool" and this was the first result.

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Searching can be a bit tricky sometimes I agree. Have you tried: Search > Advanced > Search Threads > Keywords? I entered "Winterize above ground pool" and this was the first result.

I’m aware of how to do this myself but I was really thinking more about the new folks who come hunting info quickly. I imagine they search normally then either give up & look elsewhere or get lost in the 4 pages of posts before finding the actual guide mentioned within. This one article is just the most recent example. There are several other common ones this happens with. It becomes apparent that the info is buried when they finally post looking for help. Just wondering if it’s possible to “anchor” some of these common ones to the top of the search results with techno wizardry 😁
@Leebo can expound on how crappy the built-in search functions are for almost all forum software platfroms .... and TFP gets killed by Google's "algorithm" unless you force it to only return TFP results. Apparently we haven't paid Google enough in bribes yet to get the forum more visibility ...
There’s been a couple others in the past (after google’s tinkering 😑) & I think @Leebo magically moved them to the top somehow. These winter ones just didn’t get noticed because it was in the summer and we weren’t constantly searching for it.
The same thing happens when you search “winterize” - both articles should be there on the 1st page, but alas, they are not.
When searching “closing” the inground article is at the top at least 👍🏻
@Leebo can expound on how crappy the built-in search functions are for almost all forum software platfroms .... and TFP gets killed by Google's "algorithm" unless you force it to only return TFP results. Apparently we haven't paid Google enough in bribes yet to get the forum more visibility ...
The recent jumble from “Big G” did a number on our searches for sure! He did something to fix a few keywords, but it was during the summer.
Unfortunately, there isn’t a simple fix for this. Many of the articles in our pool school, including the one you mentioned, are in dire need of an overhaul. Historically, TFP hasn't prioritized search engine optimization, and as a result, many of our articles aren't performing as well as they could on search engines. We're in the process of updating many of these articles, but some are still pending.

After the recent update to the search algorithm, we did notice an overall improvement in some areas, but for certain articles, the results were underwhelming. Rest assured, it's on our radar, and we're actively working to address the issue to provide a better experience for all users, especially newcomers seeking information
I knew you were probably on it!!
There You Go Pointing GIF by NBC
I knew you were probably on it!!
There You Go Pointing GIF by NBC
He works on it while in-between drop-offs with the kids' activities ... WiFi is spotty at best in his minivan and he gives off the serious creeper-vibe when he's running three laptops from the front seat of the minivan at the local parks ...

unbreakable kimmy schmidt netflix GIF

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Maybe I should send him a cd
Lee is a youngin. You'll have to start with what a home phone is and then work your way through the 80s and 90s up to CDs.

The 'personal computer' may be hard to explain as well, that the *1* in town at the school/library wasn't enough. :ROFLMAO:
Lee is a youngin. You'll have to start with what a home phone is and then work your way through the 80s and 90s up to CDs.

The 'personal computer' may be hard to explain as well, that the *1* in town at the school/library wasn't enough. :ROFLMAO:

My first computer was TRS-80 … I was the coolest kid in town … well, among all the nerds at least ….
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