Screenlogic2 Features?


Bronze Supporter
Mar 11, 2019
Taylors South Carolina
I have installed the Screenlogic 2 Interface however the user manual seems a little lacking. I'm not sure of exactly what I can do with this. The PC program seems to have more flexibility than the Android app. For example it doesn't appear that I can change the pump output from the Android app. Also not sure what features are and how to use them. Is there more comprehensive user information somewhere?
Thanks in advance.

I use the PC for ScreenLogic about 99% of the time... I do all my programming and scheduling in the PC.. I recommend that you do the same.. The PC lets you do everything...

If you want to use your phone, keep in mind that there are two apps for the phone.. ScreenLogic and ScreenLogic Config (SLconfig) You can only set up the IntelliFlo in the config app.. Then in the ScreenLogic app you can turn things on or off..

As an example.. if you want the IntelliFlo to have 3 speeds.. You would set up three Feature Circuits and name them Skim Low, Skim High, and Cleaner.. The assign a speed to each one. Like Skim Low 1500, Skim high 2000, Cleaner 3000.. You can name the circuits anything you want and the speeds you select are up to you. You can only increase a speed.. So if the pump is running at 1200 RPM and you select Skim low, the pump will increase speed to 1500.. If the pump is running 2000 RPM and you select Skim low, nothing will change. If you tell the pump to run two speeds at the same time it will always go with the highest speed.

Let me know if this does not make sense or you have something specific you need help with,

Jim R.

Once you set up the pump in the config app, you don't have to use it to turn things on and off... You can use the normal ScreenLogic app to turn on say Skim Low by just pushing Skim Low icon.

Jim R.
Really appreciate your help. A couple of things, my Screenlogic shows a Spa and I don't have a spa and sometimes when the mornings are cool it indicates spa is running when actually the pool is running. Also, it looks like I cant just increase or decrease the pump speed with the Android app.

With the ScreenLogic app you can only select different circuits that have a speed that you have already assigned to a circuit... With the PC, you can actually adjust the preset speed.

Sorry, but I just can't see the need to adjust speeds using the phone... :scratch: If important, you can always use the phone SLconfig app..

To turn off the spa page, just tell ScreenLogic to not show it... See below..

Select the Spa line and it will turn blue... Then select "Don't show" in the lower right show on box...

I'll send you a PM..

Jim R.

With the ScreenLogic app you can only select different circuits that have a speed that you have already assigned to a circuit... With the PC, you can actually adjust the preset speed.

Sorry, but I just can't see the need to adjust speeds using the phone... :scratch: If important, you can always use the phone SLconfig app..

To turn off the spa page, just tell ScreenLogic to not show it... See below..

Select the Spa line and it will turn blue... Then select "Don't show" in the lower right show on box...

I'll send you a PM..

Jim R.
Hijacking for a second. I’ve tried turning the Spa off as well as you described, Jim, but it always seems to reappear. You’ve successfully kept the spa off the phone app? Maybe I need to give it another try but for whatever reason it keeps reappearing.
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