Screenlogic product and install ??


Oct 16, 2016
Little Rock AR
I am looking at the various packages available for screenlogic. If I don't want to use the wireless pad can I just connect the screenlogic2 to my ps4 panel and run an ethernet cable to my router. I find this more stable. Then configure my firewall to allow the screenlogic to be used over my network and internet? If I have misunderstood please let me know....

You do not have to use the wireless transceivers, but I found out the hard way what can happen if you don't...

My neighbor took a lightening strike and we got what was left over. It came in on the cable between the house and the EasyTouch. Took at the main board in the ET, the Protocol Adapter, the cable modem and everything connected to the same switch as the adapter.

I now use the wireless links. For me anyway, there has been no "stability" issue and they have worked perfectly.

Basically the EasyTouch speaks "Pentair" and the Protocol Adapter translates Pentair into Ethernet. You can, if you wish, run a 4 wire cable from the ET's com port into the Pentair side of the Protocol adapter, then use an RJ-45 cable to connect the Ethernet side of the adapter to your network.

It is your choice, but I wish I had not originally done it that way..


Jim R.
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