SaniKing PerformMax 940

Aug 18, 2016
Columbia MD
This spring my pool service company installed a PerfomMax 940. I had understood the technician to say that he recommended this brand because, in this system, water entered from the bottom and did not submerse the tabs all at once and that the dial would control the water level in the canister.

Is this the case?

I ask because even with the dial turned all the way off, the pool is rapidly overchlorinated. Most of the time when I open the canister it is filled with water.
A couple times it was not and at those times the tabs at top were not under water.

I’ve checked the manual and online for answers.
The O-ring is, or was secure - lately it keeps falling into the canister when I open it so I ordered a new one.
The air relief knob at top is secure.
The pressure relief valve look good.
I run the pump as low as I can get it and still get my floor jets to operate.

When I emailed the pool service company they now say that I am mistaken - that the canister should always be filled with water.

Can anyone please tell me how the water flow should work when set to zero, and how I can get this thing to properly chlorinate my pool?

I can help you out very much... You really want to stop using the chlorinator.. It will raise your CYA to a level that your pool is going to turn green within a month or 2...

There is no way to take care of your pool using TFP and still use pucks to chlorinate... That is actually not true, you can empty half the pool water in a couple months and start over using pucks...

FC/CYA Levels This chart tells you what the free chlorine should be at what CYA... there is no way to accomplish that using the chlorinator.. What test kit are you using and what levels are you at now?

Recommended Levels
Thank you.

I hesitated to post here knowing I’d get this type of reply.

I appreciate your advice but I’ve been using pucks and shock for 20 years without problems.
I just got lazy in my old age and thought a chlorinator sounded like a good idea.

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