Saltwater pool confusion with algae treatment


New member
Jul 20, 2019
Early, TX
We have had ongoing issues with algae coming back. I have shocked it with salt shock. And we've had the pump running for about 48 hours now. And it's not improving. I don't understand whether we are supposed to add chlorine to a salt water system. The video for the SLAM process looks like it's for a traditional pool, not a salt system. We don't use any of those chorine/chemical systems. ???
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A saltwater pool is a chlorine pool. Your SWCG just creates chlorine for you.
What test kit do you have? You need to follow the SLAM Process. Use liquid chlorine/plain bleach.
I suggest you read ABC's of Pool Water Chemistry and consider reviewing the entire Pool School eBook.
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What is "salt shock"? It's best not to rely on the marketing-speak product name and instead look at the ingredients. The word "shock" in the product label usually means it has some type of chlorine. But not always, you can find non-chlorine shock in the product name too. Avoid those.

As Marty said, your "sanitizer" is chlorine. You are just making it yourself. And if you have algae, you aren't making enough of it. And if you didn't realize you need the correct level of chlorine in your pool, I'm guessing you aren't testing your levels regularly. This site teaches you how to take control of your own pool through proper testing. You'll never again rely on the bogus pool marketing name.

So...go buy your own drop-based (not strips) test kit. This site recommends either a kit from or the Taylor 2006C. You can buy the Taylor kit from Amazon.

While you will have to spend some $$ on the kit, the good news is the methods taught on this site will save you more than that on chemicals.

Good luck!
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Welcome to the forum!
A saltwater pool is a chlorine pool. Your SWCG just creates chlorine for you.
What test kit do you have? You need to follow the SLAM Process. Use liquid chlorine/plain bleach.
I suggest you read ABC's of Pool Water Chemistry and consider reviewing the entire Pool School eBook.
We just got the recommended strips-not a test kit. So we'll have to do that. Our ALK is right on, but the chlorine is 0, and the ph is slightly low. Will follow up on the test kit and the SLAM. Thanks.
Good plan.
Please consider getting the Speedstir when you order your TF100. Makes the testing process much easier.

As you do not specify what your SWCG is, you can add 5 ppm FC worth of liquid chlorine each day to keep the algae from blooming more while waiting on your test kit.
For help, 26 ounces of plain, unscented, non-thickened non-Clorox bleach gives your size pool 1ppm of FC.

I used the classic web version of PoolMath to figure that out.

Maddie :flower:
If you don’t recall adding any cya and you’re sure the testing is right then you may not have CYA (conditioner/stabilizer). You will need some for a salt water system to work properly. Yes you will also find the fastest way to get FC levels up to par is with some good ole plain bleach— then the salt water chlorine generator (“cell”) along with salt and cya will keep the levels up.
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