salt calculations are off... but not sure why


Well-known member
Jun 7, 2022
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pentair Intellichlor IC-40
in NE , opened pool Monday, got everything cleaned up, did a Taylor salt test , came back 1400ppm. that makes sense since the last month my pool was open it was low on salt and I never got around to adding any.

based on calculations my pool is 20k gallons, put it in the calculator for pool math and it tells me every 40 lbs should add about 239PPM, but based on adding 3 bags yesterday and running for 24 hr straight and re testing , the 3 bags added 400ppm each ? As I tested at 2600 PPM today. I don't think my gallon portion Is off cause everything else usually matches... even the bags of salt recommended on the bag calculation doesn't come out.

needless to say im 6 bags in right now shooting for 3400 and if I overshoot by 200-400 so be it , if im under ill add another bag.
Do you suspect any leaks? Maybe the salt is just taking some time to register? I’d caution against aggressively adding more.
Small doses are trickier with a +/-200 test variance. The 1st test may have been -200 and the 2nd test +200. Both are considered correct enough. Then factor the human element making perfect sample volume and drops.

Good job letting it mix for a full day.

Stupendous JOB realizing you were off at 2600 and not 3600. :salut: Creep the rest of the way.

For reference I've had 3 ICXXs that worked great from 2800 to 3400, then at a reduced capacity with the low salt light on until 2600 where they shut off.

I target 3200 and tend to overshoot to 3400. Then mother nature decides how long it takes to get enough rain overflow to need more. I don't think about it until the cell complains, unless we get back to back to whopper storms.
I added 3 bags (120 lbs) at about 2pm , brushed well ran filter overnight , didn't re test yet (not 24 hr) but it is now showing salt good on the cell which makes me happy...

going to retest salt when it is 24 hr.

I need to retest the FC , day 1 I had 1 FC and 1 CC , added 2 gallons of shock, retest following day and it was 1 FC , but 0 CC , shocked it again to slam levels, going to retest this afternoon with salt and hopefully I can let the SWG make chlorine.
Ok so we are at 3400ppm for salt , fc-6 , cc .5 . Running swg now and my cya is below 20 (I had a leak issue last year) so a lot of new water was introduced to it. Adding 1 gallon of stabilizer now.
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day 5 of pool being open looks mint
IMG_5955 Medium.jpeg

except that one stain to the right of the main drain that I can't get rid of... once water temp is good and I swim in it gonna swim down there and try to scrub ?
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I guess the salt mixed/dissapated more just ran tests this morning im at

FC : 7.5
CC: 0 or maybe .5 cause it had a pink haze but almost clear
Salt: 3000
CYA: 30-40

Adding another gallon of stabilizer to bring it up to 60 and letting the SWG make chlorine for time being every gallon for my pool is about +18 in CYA

which should bring it up from 30-40 to 55-65 based on pool math.

I am going to fine tune CYA and then I will address PH , Alkalinity and hardness
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Salt is down to 2800, last night the drain cap broke on my filter and sprayed out about half a skimmer mouth into my yard before I caught it.

Salt: 2800
FC:10 - 10.5
CC: 0

waiting on my non color blind wife to get off of work to read my PH , Alkalinity and hardness

pH: we thought 7.2 but maybe closer to 7.4
Alkalinity: 80
Calcium Hardness: 60

I will add 80 lbs of salt that should bring me up to 3300
going to lower my SWG to run at 40% producing 1.0 FC a day
add another gallon of liquid stabilizer : should bring me unto cya 60
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