Results two years and two court dates later


Normally, when you have a spillover spa, you have something called a make-up line that feeds a little water to the spa when the system is in the pool mode. This water causes the spa to overflow into the pool.

In your case I do not see that, so unfortunately, you will have to adjust the Return valve to control the spa spillover. This means that you can't shut the spillover off and that it will constantly run, in the Pool Mode. It will shut off when the Return valve is in the Spa mode.

Here is what you want to do.. Set the Return valve straight up at 12 O'clock. This will send all the water to the pool and water features, but none to the spa. Next slightly move the handle toward 6 O'clock, but only turn it far enough to cause the spa to start spilling over. You can fine tune the Return valve position so that the amount of spillover is what you want. Keep in mind the more spillover you have the less water you will have for the pool or water feathers.

As an example.. If the Return valve handle is pointed at say 1 O'clock and you like the amount of spillover, then that would be your normal "Pool mode" position. Your Spa mode position would be the handle pointing straight down.

Ok.. Hit me with any questions.


Jim R.

The goal here is to know for sure what is what, so double check you know which of the three valves does what.

Turn your deck jets one and off. Which valve is it?
Turn your bubblers on and off. Which valve is it?
Turn the pool returns on an off. Which valve is it?

Almost done, just have to talk about the spa spillover.

pics attached with temp labels if you can make out.

Right to left
Far right, deck jets
2nd from right, not sure but it increases/decreases flow drastically to bubblers (did not check returns)
3rd from right, Bubblers on/off
4th pool/spa returns?
5th from right with temp valve cap to stop water, blower not installed yet
and far left, Booster pump

Time to start labeling these valves ---------
I think Tom may be keeping track as I am busy following orders:)

IMG_1646.jpgIMG_1647 (1).jpg
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"...2nd from right, not sure but it increases/decreases flow drastically to bubblers (did not check returns)
3rd from right, Bubblers on/off..."

I doubt the above is correct.. One of those controls the water going to the pool returns, and the other controls the water going to the bubblers.

When you shut off the pool returns, it just increases the water available for the bubblers.

So.. the 2nd from the right controls the pool returns and the 3rd from the right controls the bubblers.

I suggest that you leave your pool returns wide open. The water from your pool returns helps the skimmers work like they should.

What else can I do for ya???


Jim R.
Ok.. Hit me with any questions.
Ok, the 2nd valve from the right is the return on/off. If off the bubblers get all the water.
See pics below. I have to take my daughter to her martial arts class so I will look over this last message and ask questions later, From briefly skimming, I will have to slightly open the valve for the spa when not in use. It was losing some water prior to the pump being online. Wondering if they need to add another check valve or what. Will follow up later.

Thanks Jim for all the help. The skimmers are working much better since the spa was closed off. Will be in touch.

I've updated his picture with labels for each pipe so far - just waiting for the last 2.
Tom, thanks. I owe you one.


If the check valve below the Return valve is working, then your spa should not drain down when the pump is off.. I suspect it drained down because of the bad Intake valve position, which you fixed. Try it out and see what it looks like tomorrow.

Good luck with your project.


Jim R.

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Normally, when you have a spillover spa, you have something called a make-up line that feeds a little water to the spa when the system is in the pool mode. This water causes the spa to overflow into the pool.
Two things, first is that the spa went down 1/2 inch within a few hours. I don't know why, if it needs a check valve or what. The unoccupied LED conduit is capped and glued so no water is escaping from there anymore. Last night I did slightly open the valve just to get some trickling over the spillway as not to let the plaster get exposed.

On the 'make-up line', can that be added now? Does it have a valve on it to control the feed back to the spa? The large valve is sort of hard to control in that regard.

I would think you could add a small feed (tee similar to the one on the pool returns) on the main return after the heater with a small simple valve (easily replaceable) and then another tee on the spa return under the check valve. The only issue is the lack of real estate in that spa return pipe above the concrete deck. Likely easier to just use the spa return 3-way valve as Jim R. suggested.
The only issue is the lack of real estate in that spa return pipe above the concrete deck.
You are right, without having the check valve sitting on the deck itself, there is no room under that valve to add anything.

The guy who plumbed your equipment pad did not do you any favors by using some 3-way valves where he should have used only 2-way valves.
It does make things unnecessarily confusing.
Why did you say that I don't need to operate the bottom drains in the pool right now?

Why did you say that I don't need to operate the bottom drains in the pool right now?


You can, kinda... But main drains are really not needed at all. I have two rent house pool that do not have operating main drains and they work just fine.

The reason I initially said not to use your main drains is that I was trying to make your initial set up as simple as possible. Because the idiot that did your plumbing made it so that the more you turn on your main drain, the less water you will get from your shallow skimmer. I thought the whole idea behind your configuration issues was that you did not like the way the skimmers were working.

I would pick skimmer action over any main drain action every day of the week.

But, it is your pool, and you can run the main drains any way you want.

If you set the handle of the B valve to 12 O'clock you will have no shallow skimmer and all main drain.
If you set the handle of the B valve to 6 O'clock you open up both the shallow skimmer and the main drain, but this will cause the shallow skimmer to have less action.
If you set the handle of the B valve to about 8 O'clock you will just crack open the main drain and the shallow skimmer will still get most of the flow.
Or... you can play with the B valve positions to find the perfect position for you.


Jim R.
I have no idea how they are going to mount the actuator on the pool/spa return valve. That valve should have been mounted facing the front, same as the feature valves, and the blower valve (not sure why you need a valve for your air blower) should have been rotated 90 degrees so they don't hit.


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