Replacing Inline Anode Discontinued Help


May 12, 2021
Virginia, USA
So I've got 1.5" plumbing, with a sacrificial anode that's this exact thing: Sacrificial Zinc Anode - CMP

Unfortunately the anode is missing a chunk so it rattles, and the plastic cover plate has cracked, and leaks at an alarming rate, so I need to replace it. Unfortunately it seems discontinued. This seems to be the replacement, but it's .5" larger: Water Bond - CMP (the 25810-400-050).

Of course no pool store near me has either, they only have T style ones that will require more plumbing work. In looking at the 25810-400 online, I see some product photos that have what look like reducers included? 2nd photo here: Pool Defender 2

So can I buy one of these and hope it comes with reducers to 1.5" plumbing? If it doesn't, can I buy those separately and use it?

Also I've never ordered pool stuff before, is there any particular reason to go with one online pool supply store over another?

And finally, how screwed will I be not running the pump for a week? Should I throw some granulated "shock" in the pool to get some more chlorine in it and hope for the best or is there anything else I can do?
You don’t need an inline zinc anode. Like so many pool gizmos, they are useless money makers for the people that sell them. As long as your equipment is properly bonded, a sacrificial zinc anode will do nothing for you.

At the very least you should quickly patch up the plumbing to keep the pump running and then take your time to replace the zinc anode properly (even though it’s totally unnecessary).
Yeah I don't trust this pool to be properly anything'd, but it was built that way by the original builder so *shrug* ... I also don't have what I need to plumb it back up without the anode there, because it's cut in with threaded fittings (unions?) and I... Well I guess I could go get 2 couplings and a pipe in the middle of them in the meantime, but gluing those in would make it a birch and a half to remove again when I get an anode in next week. Any idea if they'll come with reducers for 1.5" plumbing or if those are something I can just go buy? I'm very new to all things PVC.
I doubt the anode will come with any adapters. You can easily adapt 1-1/2” to 2” PVC as those types of fittings are quite common. If you go look in your local hardware store or plumbing supply store you’ll easily find what you need. PVC pipe work is pretty simple - measure, cut, dry-fit, primer, glue and you’re done. Give it a few hours to set and dry and you’re back in business. Plenty of YouTube how-to videos on PVC work. It’s a lot simpler than trying to fit galvanized pipe or sweat copper/brass piping.
I would cut it out and glue in a new section of straight pipe and call it a day.. The only thing it is doing is adding metals/zinc to your water and you really do not want that... It is not even doing what it was designed to do..

they are designed to be mated to another piece of metal like an impeller and then the zinc will get eaten and sacrifice itself instead of the expensive impeller... is that piece attached to any metal, nope...

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