Repair or Replace Aqua Logic?


Jul 20, 2023
Atlanta, GA
We've bought a home where the prior homeowner somewhat neglected maintenance. The controller is an Aqua Logic where the enclosure is rusted out on the bottom (the ground bar completely fell apart...I replaced the bar but box is toast). Went to replace 120V pool light, fixture rusted out. Spa light is likely the same. This is pool spa combo. Salt cell seems to be working but is likely also pretty dated. I'd like to eventually get control of pool via phone or app, lights working and probably replaced with 12V LED. Thoughts on should I just replace the enclosure (if I can find one), replaced the controller with the same, replace the controller with new (and if so is there any advantage to sticking with Hayward or any individual Hayward model)? I'm pretty handy but just trying to determine what the best options are...

Thanks in advance for any advice.
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The natural Hayward upgrade is the OmniPL system if you want to stay with Hayward equipment.

Tell us or show us what all your pool equipment is. If you need to replace your pump and SWG then maybe consider Pentair equipment.
20,000 gallon PebbleTec pool w/spa. Aqua Logic PS-8 with very rusted enclosure (but working) software revision 2.91, RF remote board but no RF remotes, wired controller inside house, wired spaside control (doesn't work but recently bought replacement to install), Pentair Superflo pump, unknown salt cell, corroded 120v pool light, likely also corroded non-working spa light, disconnected SmartPure Ozone generator, Jandy cartridge filter.
Heater? Now or in the future?

You basically have a clean sheet to decide if you want to stay in the Hayward ecosystem or Pentair? I like the Pentair equipment availability and support for DIY more than Hayward. Hayward looks to send consumers to their dealers and not provide much retail support.
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