Removing Clorox Cloromax

I used Clorox Cloromax to shock my pool for start up and now have very cloudy water. Question is does any one know if the polymers in Cloromax would be heaver than fresh fill water so a partial or complete water exchange could work? Or should I do a complete drain, brush and fill? Normally, I have only used my SWG and occasionally pool Chlorine following TFP but had a major brain fade and forgot about the polymers in the Cloromax Crud.
My pool is salt and have used the exchange process before with great success to lower Calcium. Thanks,
Your filter should take care of it - just gotta give it time. Maybe also try a skimmer sock. Probably gonna need to clean your filter.
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You can try to SLAM but keep in mind that these polyelectrolyte compounds are dispersed in FULL STRENGTH BLEACH. Your SLAM will be nothing close to the strength on concentrated Clorox. The polymers are designed to withstand the oxidation by chlorine.

So you may have to drain. But you can at least try to SLAM to see if it works.
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Thanks, trying to slam now, thats why I added the junk, 4.25 gallons, enough to reach 33 PPM clorine. My pool was very slightly cloudy, all numbers in proper levels, I normally remove my SWG in the winter trying to make it last longer and float a puck. I agree that is probably futile to keep the slam levels up and the filters don't seem to be reducing any cloudiness, pumps have been running for 3 days.
Was hoping someone might know if a water exchange might be worth while but am ready to drain and fill. My limited understanding of what the polymers are in Clorox Cloromax bleach is its considered a non biodegradable resin used in plastics and paint resins. Its also what makes liquids in disposable diapers gell when wet. What a mistake, I seem to make a lot of them.
Was the water clear to start ? If so, then the clorox got you. If the water was off when you opened and you were 'shocking' it because if that, then you likely just have winter algae.

Plenty of people have used a few gallons before they realized it without harm. That's not to say yours couldn't foul up from 4, but from your original it appeared you were tying to fix something.
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Water was very slightly cloudy, I float a puck and keep about 3-4 PPM CL in the winter. Probably could of just reinstalled my SWG and everything would have been fine. I probably didn't need to shock but I am used to crystal clear water thanks to TFP. it got majorly cloudy immediately after the addition of the Clorox Colormax stuff. Going to drain, wash and fill starting this Saturday evening, going to get a little cooler here in the valley of the sun for a few days for the last time this season.
If your ch is creeping up you are at least knocking out 2 birds with 1 stone by draining/refilling. Good luck 🍀 & Keep us posted with the outcome.
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