Ready to start filling pool?


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2015
Eaton Rapids
OK, as you can see from the pictures I've been making progress on my pool.

I filled it up to about 3 inches of water dumped 2 gallons of bleach and let it sit for a day. I then scrubbed with a pool brush and began to suck all the water with a shop vac. I put a water pump inside the shop vac and drained the water behind my house. After the pool was drained, I got into it with the shop vac and sucked up all the big stuff (dead leaves, algae, sticks, rocks etc). There is still some gunk on the liner (as you can see in the pictures) but all the big stuff is gone now.

My question is do you think it's OK to start filling my pool up and hooking the filter back up? Or should I make the bottom of the pool spotless before refilling?
I can't say without seeing it in person.

It may just be staining, in which case it will fade away in time with chlorinated water on it. But if there's anything you can scratch off with a fingernail, scrub it again. It's a lot easier to do it up close and personal that from the end of a pole, or while trying to hold your breath underwater.
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