raised pool equipment 4" while pool was being replastered, now pump loosing prime?

Jan 11, 2012
Las Vegas, NV
raised pool equipment 4" while pool was being replastered, now pump loosing prime?

Hello all,

I recently had my pool refinished (Pebbletec). The company did an outstanding job.

While the pool was being refinished I raised all the equipment (pump, filter and heater) about 4" as the pump would end up with water around the base when we received heavy rain.

Since refilling the pool every time I run the pump (twice now, just filled yesterday) I've had to prime it manually. It easily re-primes by filling the pump basked with a hose for just a few moments.

Is is possible that raising my pump a few inches is causing the system to lose prime? The pump appears to be just above water level, maybe a few inches higher.

My understanding is that in a perfect system once primed the system should stay primed unless a leak is occurring? Even if the pump is located above the water line of the pool?

I've searched (and will continue to search the forum) but haven't found my specific problem.

Re: raised pool equipment 4" while pool was being replastered, now pump loosing prime

An in-ground pump should be self priming.

If you raised the pump above water level, the water will flow back to the lowest point naturally, unless of course there is a check valve.
Re: raised pool equipment 4" while pool was being replastered, now pump loosing prime


I think what Dom was saying is that if you open the pump basket the water will flow back into the pool... it's call gravity... :cool:

If the system is working properly the water in your pump basket will not flow back into your pool. It is kind of like holding liquid in a straw when you put your thumb over the top of the straw..

So, if water drains back into your pool when you shut the pump off, then you have an air leak.. or someone took their thumb off the straw... :p

Since you just moved your equipment, I would suspect one of the modifications you made is leaking. Did you do anything to the input and output pipes right at the pump? Did you use pump unions or just thread the plumbing into the pump?

Of course the number one reason for a pump draining back into the pool is the pump's basket O-Ring is bad or lacking pool lube.


Jim R.
Re: raised pool equipment 4" while pool was being replastered, now pump loosing prime

Thanks guys for the help.

Jimrahbe I read your analogy about the drinking straw in another thread when I was searching the forum for pump priming issues. Excellent example.

So, I went out this morning and checked my equipment. Sure enough, the screw on fitting that scress onto the filter housing has some water dripping from it. As I live in Las Vegas there should be NO water anywhere on any of the equipment as it hasn't rained here for months and it's extremely dry. Must not have sealed correctly when I put everything back together.

Thanks again!
Re: raised pool equipment 4" while pool was being replastered, now pump loosing prime


Let's hope that fixes it... thanks for the feedback..

I lived in Lost Wages years ago... Wife and I could often make a couple of rolls of nickels last for several hours before running out... We had a great time!!


Jim R.
Re: raised pool equipment 4" while pool was being replastered, now pump loosing prime


Let's hope that fixes it... thanks for the feedback..

I lived in Lost Wages years ago... Wife and I could often make a couple of rolls of nickels last for several hours before running out... We had a great time!!


Jim R.

It's all set! Found four small leaks - three Jandy fittings (clean well and lube Orings) and one small leak at a PCV connection between heater and filter which was a very easy fix, also found the drain screw on the pump was about a turn loose!

Absolutely no leaks now. Pump stays completely primed all the time now!

Wife and I moved to Vegas in 2011 when the economy was in the toilet. The house we bought was dirt cheap back then. We've been renovating it over the years. Just had the pool completely redone.

We moved here for the weather and the outdoor recreation. Red Rock is 10 minutes from our door, and we are avid dirt bike riders.

Thanks again for the help and advice!

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