Raised beam and algae question


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Jun 22, 2014
Houston, Texas
When we were slamming the pool, We lost a lot of FC when we turned on our water wall. is there some rule of thumb about how often to run it? For the past 5.5 years, we have run it mostly on weekends...I don’t want the algae coming back. I.am.done!
It makes me wonder if you have a lot of algae in the water wall and that's what's eating the FC when it's on...
We haven’t turned the water wall off since we passed the overnight test. But I am concerned. I hope that running it all this week while the FC goes down that it will have totally killed everything in there. I mean, usually algae is not our thing - we have a constant pH problem - but after this last slam, i Never want to have to do it again....to the point I am thinking of replacing our salt cell ...i am That traumatized LOL
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