question after opening.

Jan 4, 2017
matawan NJ
Hey all, I opened my pool yesterday. All went well, and no issues. The water was clear, but lots of dirt/algae on the bottom and liner. I put in 2 gallons of pool essentials liquid chlorine and ran the dolphin all through the day and this morning. This morning I also self vacuumed to get the remaining dirt. I also backwashed several times. The pool is 99% clean to the eye, but a little cloudy due to spreading the dirt around a little. When should I start testing the levels and adding chemicals as needed? I was thinking at the earliest, tomorrow. My thinking is, this will give the chlorine and SWG time to do it's job with whatever is left and will run off whatever of the shock chlorine is still running through. Is my rationalizing, irrational, or somewhat correct? lol. Thanks for any input.
When should I start testing the levels and adding chemicals as needed?
Once the water has been circulating for about an hour or so and take a sample and do all your testing. No need to wait until tomorrow. You might consider doing an Overnight Chlorine Loss Test this evening to see if algae is indeed an issue.
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Once the water has been circulating for about an hour or so and take a sample and do all your testing. No need to wait until tomorrow. You might consider doing an Overnight Chlorine Loss Test this evening to see if algae is indeed an issue.
Thank you. I will definitely test after my son's soccer game this morning, and see where the numbers are. I don't think algae is an issue as of right now, just on the bottom from the long winter, IMO. If the numbers start suggesting it, I'll do an OCLT at that point. I appreciate the quick response!! Thanks
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