Quad DE start up with low pressure


My filter only runs at 2 PSI at 1,200 RPM. This is normal. I have a cartridge filter, but there is little difference in PSI readings.

Low pressure readings are a good thing with VS pumps. Filter pressure is backwards from what most people first think. The higher the reading the more resistance the filter has to water flowing through it. In the perfect filter, the pressure would be zero and the water would easily flow through it and back to the pool. When the filter pressure increases, the flow of water returning to the pool decreases, not what you want.

Jim R.
That sounds about right to me when I think of my QuadDE100 and my IntelliFlo operating at 1500rpm.

Also, next time you clean it out and add DE, run your pump at high speed when adding the DE (I usually turn my pump up to 3000rpm) and add the DE one bucket at a time (one scoop of DE in a 5 gallon bucket of water). You want to create a thin slurry that gets quickly sucked into the filter. The QuadDE filters are designed to create a little turbulence when water hits the inlet so that the DE doesn't just hit the filter and settle in the bottom of the tank. A thinner slurry means more mixing of the DE in the filter and better coverage of the quad cartridges.

Also, TFP recommends only backwashing your filter when the pressure change from clean pressure is 25%. Many pool sites and PBs will tell you to backwash and recharge monthly or on some set schedule. I stopped doing that and I don't backwash anymore. I simply do a tear down and clean of the filter twice per year and that's more than enough. By doing that, you put less stress on the quad cartridge by not backwashing them too frequently and you save yourself the hassle of messing around with DE all the time. It also means the filter gets opened up at least twice per year so that any problems can be detected early and corrected. Each pool/filter is different and you'll have to see what your debris load is over a season or two before you can get a good handle on how often to clean it out.
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