Post store sales deals for pool area furnishings (furniture, gazebo, grill)


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LifeTime Supporter
Sep 15, 2013
Fayetteville, NC
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
See a good sale (online or in person) on pool patio furniture and decor?
Let us all know!

I’m particularly on the hunt for
-sling lounge chairs in $50 range
-a gazebo (around 10x10) to keep the mosquitos off me around $150 to $200

And the hubs wants a new grill.
As a reference point, we purchased sling furniture (not Sunbrella for sure), just regular from Sears. This is our 6th season in MD and the material is starting to get dried out, which is the beginning of the end. I don't believe it will be too long before it is scratchy and rips develop. I may slather them with a protectant to see if I can squeeze this year and next out of them though.

I'm not disappointed with that lifespan as the pieces with those symptoms are in full sun - and the price was right. I think I will replace the chaise lounges with these...which are stackable for more compact winter storage.
We FINALLY moved back into our house (been renting it for 8 years) last week. Despite the fact that someone broke into our house and stole two of our three TV’s prior to our arrival, purchase #1 was pool furniture. (Priorities!)
When we first purchased the house I had a great setup and didn’t realize how great of a deal I had found on it.
Those purchases were at Ollie’s. (Gazebo was $150, lounge chairs for $25 ea. Regular chairs were $20 ea. Already had a swing from Walmart that was $75 and a golfing sling eating set for $100.)
I’d been eyeing sales and couldn’t come anywhere close to those prices.

Big Lots wound up having what I wanted -
For reference, the $109 and $125 gazebos were trash. Even tied down either would have made its way into the pool within a month. Went with the $300 gazebo - it has the double roof, privacy panels, mosquito netting, and its 10x12. Pretty sturdy.

Sling Lounge chairs (4) were $45 ea, regular sling chairs (6) for $20 ea and a rectangular table for $65.

We miss not having the swing, but that’s a ‘first world problem.’

Picked up a 4-burner gas grill with side burner yesterday by Charbroil $150 and a decent waterproof cover from Target for $25.

As luck would have it, our A/C bit the dust today! (Two quotes we have are $5k abd $6k.) So I suppose we’ll be spending a LOT of time sitting on said furniture and cooking on the grill (oven cooking heats house up)! If I can just get the pool water right . . .

I noticed at a Target yesterday their outdoor section was extremely picked over. Near Everything was 30% off. They still had some nice looking sling chairs in a medium blue and a nice grey that weren’t on clearance yet. They were $20. They had one sling lounge left for $43 that looked super nice. May want to make a run there if you’re looking for something.
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