Possible to use DE in robot?

May 23, 2015
Tampa, FL
Curious if it is possible (or beneficial) to have a DE in the robot filter basket as a secondary mobile filter that vacuums and filters at a lower per hour cost? Would it just be a matter of using ultra fine screens?

I have DE on bottom of pool now that I need get out so was curious if dolphin echo would pick it up. It does, but exhausts it right back into suspension due to standard screens being too large I think.
Saturated DE gets heavy. In addition to clogging everything up it will add more weight to the cleaner then just regular debris, thus more strain on the motor. You will need to use a manual vacuum to collect the DE off the pool floor.
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Filtration must not be as good on the Echo because it shoots the DE right back out. But still probably not a good idea because it would put additional stress on the motor to pull water through caked DE...looks like I need to pull out the old pole and vac to waste ?
It looks like there are two types of filters for the Echo, Ultra Fine and Spring/Fall Rough Debris. I suspect you have a Rough Debris filter set. The Ultra Fine filters are pleated, rough debris filters are mesh.
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