Poor skimmer performance


New member
Jun 14, 2022
My skimmer is not clearing the pool surface during normal operation on filter mode. I only have one suction line which is the skimmer line.

When I set the multiport valve to backwash the skimmer is working great, so there is no blockage in the suction line. When I put the multiport valve back on filter, the skimmer is not pulling debris from the pool surface and the skimmer basket is not filling with debris. Flow seems good at the return jets and the pool is clear, but nothing on the surface is going into the skimmer. Pool level is half way up the skimmer like other years. I have just changed my filter sand with the prescribed amount of sand for my filter, cleaned the laterals, checked the pump impeller and pump basket.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Could I have a faulty mutiport valve?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Welcome to TFP.

Does your skimmer have a weir door?

Does the weir door swing freely with the water level?
Your skimmer needs a weir door to properly skim the surface of the water.
Your skimmer needs a weir door to properly skim the surface of the water.
Thanks AJ, I guess I need to look for a floating weir then. My skimmer does not appear to be equipped to take a skimmer weir door. Its odd though, because after owning this pool for 5 years I don't remember having this issue before. Go figure!

Thanks again AJ,
Post pics of your skimmer and maybe folks will have ideas for you.
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