Pool newbie with no knowledge whatsoever


New member
May 23, 2024
Nashville, TN
Trying out this pool thing with a fairly cheap above-ground (chlorine) pool before we take the plunge and install an in-ground next year (hopefully). So far, I've stocked up on chemicals to hopefully keep me on track and just received my Taylor pool test kit yesterday. I honestly don't know anything about maintaining the levels (pH, alkalinity, CYA, chlorine, etc.), so I'm hoping that I can bounce off questions as needed here. I have to admit, it's somewhat overwhelming with how much there is to know. My pool water is clear (so far), and I'm skimming daily and have the sand pump running 24/7. Yesterday I learned that the pH is high (maybe? kind of looks like 7.6 on the Taylor pH test. picture included) and the CYA is next to nothing. I'm assuming the chlorine is low, but the test kit didn't come with the R-0001 and R-0002 to test. I thought that was odd since the instructions specifically state to use those to test the chlorine (?). Regardless, I've ordered those separately, and they should be here Saturday 5/25. Anyway, I'm adding CYA today to get that up first. Hopefully, that's the correct thing to do first. Thanks for reading if you got this far. :)IMG_9843.JPG

Yes, your pH is 7.6. Just fine!

If you got the K-2006, it should have FAS-DPD powder and drops to test FC. No need for the R1 and R2...FAS-DPD is more accurate...

Post a full set of results!
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