Pool Math - Recommended Chlorine Levels

It all depends on your CYA level, which buffers the FC and leaves less of it available. Any CYA level of target range on the chart is less harsh than tap water with 0 CYA and a FC up to 4.
so if my CYA is less, then pool math app will lessen the recommendations in the app?
Use the FC/CYA Levels. Then use the app to find out how. You'll notice the first thing the app asks for on the FC page is your CYA level. But the app reccomendations are too one size fits all and factor minimum to the top of target range. Minimum and close to it don't accout for today's FC loss to UV and will leave you below minimum by tomorrow's dose. Yes the app is technically right. The reccomended level is 2-6 (or whatevs). But use the charts target range. You want to stay in range, especially when new and learning how your pool behaves. 1 or 2 FC above target will give you a safety net that your daily loss makes you fall into target range, and have plenty of leeway above minimum. You burn a little extra chlorine this way, but clearing a swamp is a big hit to the wallet, and you'd much rather offer a few more ounces a day as a sacrifice to the pool gods.